Soil Color Collection

Soil Color Collection

The soil can have different colors, such as red, black, yellow, white, gray etc. This diversity of colors depends both on the source material of the soil, as well as its position in the landscape, the content of organic matter and mineralogy, among other factors. The color is very relevant when differentiating the soil horizons within a profile and assist in its classification. In more scientific field studies, pedologists use the comparison of a soil sample with the standardized reference, which is the Munsell color chart.


           The purpose of the Soil Color Collection is to enable students to have contact with the numerous  colors that soils have and classify them according to Munsell's color reference.

Necessary materials

- Munsell color catalog

- Different types of soils (in dry and sieved samples)

Set up

Place the samples next to each other and order comparing with the Munsell color catalog.


Identify the samples with the Munsell color catalog and classify the soils, relating their colors to their original materials, organic matter and mineralogy.


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