About us

Our mascot: João Torrão!

We are students of Geography of the University of São Paulo, guided by Prof. Dr. Déborah de Oliveira of the Department of Geography of FFLCH / USP. Since 2009, our group has been working hard on soil education research. However, our great desire has always been a space where we could develop our activities toward primary and secondary schools. To fulfill our desire, on April 15, 2014, we inaugurated a Science Park, named “Soil at School Project”.

"We chose the 15th to launch in São Paulo, to celebrate the Soil Conservation Day", together with professor Débora de Oliveira, coordinator of the program. "We aim to give visitors an opportunity to know the soil as a natural resource that must be respected and preserved”. Déborah reminds us that in a city like São Paulo, with so little green space, it is very important to know how to preserve and respect the soil. "We want to raise awareness of how the soil is neglected due to urbanization, we want it to be better known and valued." Excerpt from the University of São Paulo Journal.

Our mascot, João Torrão, in plush

As project goals we aim to serve all municipal, state and private schools - elementary and secondary schools - or even other groups that shows interest in the project. This is because soil education is often overlooked or treated very superficially by schools. Our space is comprised of experiments, activities and dynamic events so that students, teachers and all users can specialize through direct contact with the natural resource so important for life: Soil!

Our project Soil at School belongs to a program supported by the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension and is located in the dependencies of the Science and Technology Park of the University of São Paulo (Parque CienTec / USP), near the Zoo and the Botanical Garden.

CienTec USP park entrance.

CienTec park is an institution that offers educational and quality entertainment for children and young adults. Through its different forms of exhibit and scientific experiences, science and a technology are brought closer to the visitor, which allows them to appropriate knowledge while they have fun and enjoy themselves. Our targeted educational programs are located in a privileged environment surrounded by the Atlantic Rainforest, offering visitors a quality experience for learning science, technology and humanistic culture in general. 

CienTec website (portuguese)

Entrance of the project exhibit.



Profª. Drª Déborah de Oliveira

Professor at the department of Geography, University of São Paulo.

Resume Lattes


Participants that act or have already participated in the project:

Adriana Ribeiro Machado

Adriana Villar Rodrigues

Adriano Paulo Aparecido Pereira de Oliveira

Ana Clara Cerminaro

Ana Lígia dos Santos

Beatriz Hiroko Resende Miyazato

Camila Cunha Lacerda

Camila da Cunha Silva

Cristiano Camargo

Cintia Ferreira da Silva

Claudia Torralvo Arsenovicz

Diego Arruda Filgueira

Eduardo Luiz Morari

Gabriela Silva de Farias Betini

Horacio Sant Ana Cardoso da Silva

Jamille Santos Conceição

Jessica Cristina Costa

Lady Aparecida Silveira

Maria Luiza Perroni da Silva

Mariana Franco Carvalho

Mariane Carvalho

Marina Braguini Manganotte

Natália Nunes Patucci

Natalia Santo Lisboa

Nathalia Manso Kozlowski Pitombeira

Patrícia Christman

Renata Rosa da Silva Monteiro

Roger Ricardo Pinto

Sabrina da Cunha Silva

Thiago José de Oliveira

Victoria Azarias


Supports and Acknowledgments:

Financial support from the Vice-Rectory of Culture and Extension University-USP

CienTec-USP Park

Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences

Department of Geography

Soil at the School of UFPR

Soil at the School of Esalq-USP

Museum of Earth Sciences - UFV 


Postagens mais visitadas deste blog

The birth of our project