Soil Granulometry

Soil Granulometry

The solid fraction of the soil can present a mixture of grains with varied shapes and sizes, which are classified according to their diameter in granulometric fractions.

The coarse fractions correspond to the skeleton of the soil (particles larger than 2 mm in diameter), which are gravel (from 2 mm to 2 cm in diameter), pebble (from 2 cm to 20 cm) and matão (diameter greater than 20 cm). The smaller particles represent the so-called “fine earth” (particles smaller than 2 mm in diameter), where we have sand (with a diameter of 0.05 mm to 2 mm), silt (from 0.002 mm to 0.05 mm) and clay (diameter less than 0.002 mm).

In this experiment, we can see sand of different diameters, from the thickest to the finest.


Show to students the different sizes of the different particles that make up a soil.


- Gravels of various sizes

- Sand

- Silte

- Clay

- Styrofoam or plastic trays

Set up

Distribute each component separately in the trays properly identified with the respective particle sizes.


The experiment is based on the observation by students of the trays on display, so that they can compare the differences in size of the soil components, reflecting on the consequences of various soil compositions on infiltration and water retention, for example.


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